Friday, February 27, 2009


I did go get my drivers license. I did fudge a little bit on my weight. According to my new license I have lost 5 pounds since I moved to Mobile. Funny I am pants size bigger since then but whatever. The whole point of the drivers license was so I could get a library card. So I go off to run my errands for the day and I am all done. So I decide to pop over to the dmv and get my license so I can finally get some books. I am a total bookworm and I go through books like crazy. I can't afford not to have a library card. Really trust me! So off Ryan and I got to the dmv. It doesn't look so bad from the outside I figured all those cars could not be for the dmv there were other buildings around. So we walk in and stand in line for about 15 mins and then we get our number. We find a seat the last seat and I try to convince Ryan that he could sit in my lap rather than play hotwheels on the dirty floor. He was playing out in the yard before we left that morning so I figured he wasn't going to get much dirtier. That might have been wishful thinking but whatever. So about 30 minutes into our wait, not total wait time mind you just the wait time since we got our number. I remember that I might need my glasses. Its a source of pride that I don't have a corrective lenses restriction on my license. I had a feeling my luck was about to run out. I have had to wear my glasses while driving for a while now and I have no clue how I passed it when we moved to Alabama. So Ryan and I run back outside to grab my glasses and of course in the 46 seconds we were gone we lost our seat. Hmmprh! So we are standing and waiting. Then we get our seat back and we wait some more. Then all of a sudden they start calling people really fast they are flying through the numbers. They call us and off we go. I am now trying to convince Ryan that he has to be quit since people are testing and I need to concentrate on what I was doing. So he finds a chair and proceeds to make the most annoying hot wheels car noises you have ever heard. I think he was having engine trouble that day. Can I just take a side note here to explain that there are three places you should never have to take your children. The gyno, the dmv, and the social security office. Never! So I get my paperwork approved and I go to take the vision test. Yeah I could not see anything without my glasses. Dammit! I have failed. I had to take the test with my glasses. So much for that. So I am all ready to go, they take a unflattering picture, and I go sit back down to wait for my license to come out. And I wait. And I wait some more. I pay my bills that were stuck in my purse. I organize my wallet. I played hot wheels with Ryan and I reapplied my lipgloss. What the hell???? The machine was out of laminate. OMG! Ryan is whining he is tired of waiting. I am tired of waiting. This is like a 3 hour ordeal at this point. So finally they get the refill in the machine and print out another guys license who was there after me. Are you fucking kidding me? I was beyond pissed at this point. Yes lets make sure the guy with no child who got there a hour after me gets out of here first. I finally get my license and get out of there. So I take Ryan out to lunch and finally its library time. I have waited 4 months to get my card. Every time I tried to go to the dmv I had a sick kid, a swollen face, it was a holiday, always something. I was so excited to have a local license and get my card. So I filled out my application and the lady tells me I should get my cards in the mail tomorrow. HUH? You don't need a local license for a card? Oh no you just fill out the paper and we mail them to the address you provided. No you can't check out books today, no I don't want to see your drivers license with a local address. I could have got these cards 4 fucking months ago! I was able to fill out the paper for my husband and my kids they didn't even have to show up. What kind of back asswards town does shit like this? Doesn't even look to see if I am who I say I am? OMG! I lost my shit right there in the library. I was way to loud and I could not help it. I am surprised she didn't rip up my application and ban me. I was so frustrated. Four hours in the dmv, four months of waiting and all I had to do was fill out a piece of paper. So maybe I should have look at their policy but I just assumed that they were like every other library in the freaking world. So I just took my tired, frustrated, defeated ass home with no books.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It has came to my atttention

It has came to my attention that I have let my blog go. Yes I realize I have not made a post in over three weeks. My blog is not the only thing in my life I am letting go to shit. I have been trying to get things taken care of around the house and dealing with yet more dental drama. Abscess tooth and root canal anyone??? So forgive me if I fail to entertain the masses with my thrilling writing skills. Sometimes things in my life just come and go and blogging appears to be one of them. I will try to get back to a more regular blogging schedule. I am working on the house for the next two days and I hope to be all caught up by this weekend. Cause I have a appt to go get my hair done and I am not going to feel guilty while I am sitting in a chair childless getting pampered! So anyhoo that's whats up with me. If my teeth and my house ever decided to cooperate I will be better about blogging. Oh and a word to my mother in law it wasn't only you who was telling me I needed to blog! I always wanted to say word to your mother! I really need to let the 90's go.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Liar Liar

I am usually against lying. I will say a small white lie is not a big deal. But I usually don't tell them. I am that friend that will tell you butt looks big in those pants but I will spend hours helping you find the exact right pair. So I am honest person, sometimes brutally. But I don't mean harm. So here is my issue. When is it ok to lie? See I am going to be considering lying this week. On a official document at that. Yes I am aware its illegal. But let me defend myself. Do you ever tell the truth about your weight? See I am going to get a new drivers license in my new state and I am about to tell a whopper when I fill in the weight box. I could understand if I was interfering with my weight so much the police could not identify me. But really would it hurt them to make it multiply choice? Like check this box for 100lbs to 200lbs. That would really make my life easier and you could still get the general idea of what I weighed. I have nightmares about going to the DMV and there being big scales down there with people sitting on benches finger pointing and laughing at me.