Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Formative Years

What formed you? Your life experiences, your childhood, your upbringing. There are certain times in your life that it really matters what your environment is. Today I want to tell you a little bit about a important part of mine. When I was in the 6 and 7 th grades my cousin came to live with us. He had been kicked out at 17 and my mom took him in. He didn't have the easiest life and had lived with various family members at this point. This is a important time in a girls life. I had just started my period and was developing and really growing up. So when J* came to live with us I was in that strange woman/child phase. J was the best cousin ever at this point. He liked the same stuff as me clothes, music, etc. Someone I could relate to, as a only child I was always craving having someone around my age to relate to. Also J really related to me, see J wanted to be a girl. He was gay and wanted to live as a transgender. The first time he dressed in drag he wore my clothes and I helped him fill baggies with rice from the pantry and he used my bra. J worked at a fast food restaurant and had already quit school. He was at this point dating the local high schools quarter back. Yeah that was a big keep my mouth shut secret. We are in the South high school quarterbacks aren't supposed to be gay. At least that's the going opinion, not mine. So J and I shared clothes and makeup. I had the best hair and makeup in school, J got up every morning and did both for me and then went back to bed, since he worked late nights closing at work. Think big hair! I rocked it. He had just started taking hormones in his journey in becoming a woman and one time I called my mom crying from the skating rink to come pick me up. See I had his brand new Z Cavaricci jeans on and started my period in them. Just in time for the nightly couple skate with my crush. I kept asking my mom couldn't we just convince J that he started his period and the hormones really worked. Thankfully mom got the stain out before he got home from work that night and other than the couple skate and perhaps my first kiss that never was all was well. So this was my life during this time. Not typical but it was how I grew up. I guess my point here is what shapes you? What formed you into the person you are? I was raised with tolerance and respect for gay people, transgenders, etc. Not being societies version of normal is normal for me. I can only imagine what it would be like to be raised by people who have hate in their hearts. I am thankful that I was raised the way I was, and I would not have it any other way. To this day every drag queen I see gets me excited. Its a art doing hair, makeup, dressing up and being someone else. I enjoy watching drag shows and every time I am near a bar that has them I make sure I go at least once. Oh and in case you wonder about J, all is good he is now mostly a she and has lived as a woman for a long time and is in a great relationship.

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