Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm bad!

I am so bad about not sharing my life when its not the best. Instead of getting it all off my chest and possibly getting some support I just clam up and keep to myself. I have never learned the art of sharing my secrets. I never kept a diary worth anything because I know once you write something down you can never take it back. It beats me why I blog. I just know I like it. Its baby steps. I am trying to be ok with putting things out there that I know will change people's opinions of me. God forbid the world knows that the nut doesn't fall far from the tree. So I will be back to blogging rather I want to share or not. So for some catch up this is whats been going on with me. Ryan survived a scary medical experience. School is ending and Kyle is once again leaving me for what I consider to be way too long. I fell asleep in the pool and have a horrible sun burn. I got my allure safe sun box the very next day, the irony. I keep going blonder and blonder. It looks right. But I am already wishing for a dark brown or red. I should just shave my head invest in wigs and call it a day. I canceled my trip to Bama Jam. I am going back on my medicine and hope that one day they will find a cure for pmdd. As far as I know no one is looking for one so I might be just better off hoping for menopause. Oh I have a nice tan thanks to my sunburn. I survived Marks family reunion. We are having not one but two people coming to see us. We have been here 7 months its about fucking time. We bought a tractor I think my husband loves it more than me. My tomatoes are growing out of control. Don't you love blogs full of random ramblings? I can't get enough of Kings of Leon. I am having nightmares again. They are very disturbing. I went to a local festival and the people freaked me out, I have never had a problem with crowds before. This scares me. I really like the Twilight movie and can't wait to see the next one despite the fact that I hate the girl in the lead role. I pull at least one tick a day off of a member of my family. I have never seen a tick in my life till we moved here. Yet another reason why I don't like Mississippi.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to Ryan? Stay blonde it suits you. I hate that you're tan and I never will be. I love me some Kings of Leon too. What's up with the panic attacks? You think his tractor's sexy, admit it. Those things carry Lyme disease!
